How Soon After LASIK Can I Resume Normal Activities?

Recovering from All Laser LASIK

At Laser Eye Center, we understand that our All Laser LASIK patients are excited to enjoy their clearer vision immediately after surgery. However, it is important to remember that it will take your vision some time to stabilize, and therefore some activities will be off limits immediately after surgery. The following are general guidelines regarding when patients can resume normal activities after All Laser LASIK.

Driving. Most patients are able to drive the day after surgery. However, it is important to not resume driving until you are cleared by your eye surgeon.

Showering. You can shower or bathe the day after surgery, but avoid getting soap or water in your eyes for at least a week.

Returning to work. Most patients are able to return to work the day after surgery. However, it is likely your eyes will be sensitive to light and tire easily for at least a couple of days. Because of this, it’s a good idea to take a few days off from work, if possible.

Wearing Makeup. We recommend you avoid wearing eye makeup for about a week after surgery. It is also a good idea to throw away your old eye makeup (e.g., eyeliner, mascara, eye shadow) and buy a new supply after surgery. This is to avoid infecting your eyes with bacteria that may be on your makeup.

Exercising. You are free to resume exercise within a few days. However, it is extremely important to keep sweat from running into your eyes.

Contact sports. Avoid contact sports (e.g., basketball, football) for at least a month after surgery. Non-contact sports like golf and jogging can be resumed three to four days after surgery.

Swimming. Swimming and hot tubs should be avoided for two to three weeks after surgery.

Please note that these are general guidelines. Each All Laser LASIK patient is unique and heals at their own pace. Your eye surgeon will have the final say on when it is okay for you to return to these and other activities. For more information on All Laser LASIK, including the procedure itself, please contact Laser Eye Center. Schedule a FREE one-on-one consultation by calling 800-80-LASER (52737) today.

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Get started on your journey to clearer, crisper vision with Laser Eye Center™. Our expert team of doctors are trained and skilled in the latest technology and methods for laser vision correction. To learn more about our state-of-the-art All Laser LASIK technology or about All Laser LASIK itself, contact us today. Schedule your FREE All Laser LASIK consultation by calling today.