All About Color Blindness

Contrary to what the name may suggest, color blindness is not a form of blindness. Actually, a more accurate name for color blindness is “color vision deficiency.” People who are color blind have trouble with their color vision. Depending on the specific person, this could mean that they cannot tell certain colors apart, or they cannot identify any color. What Causes Color Blindness? Color blindness is caused by problems in light-sensitive cells in the retina called “cones.” There are three types of cone pigments crucial to normal vision; they are sensitive to either blue, green or red-colored objects, and work together to enable you to see a wide range of…

All About Color Blindness

Contrary to what the name may suggest, color blindness is not a form of blindness. Actually, a more accurate name for color blindness is “color vision deficiency.” People who are color blind have trouble with their color vision. Depending on the specific person, this could mean that they cannot tell certain colors apart, or they cannot identify any color. What Causes Color Blindness? Color blindness is caused by problems in light-sensitive cells in the retina called “cones.” There are three types of cone pigments crucial to normal vision; they are sensitive to either blue, green or red-colored objects, and work together to enable you to see a wide range of…