The Signs of Cataract Development

Signs of Cataracts

Approximately half of all Americans develop cataracts by the age of 75, according to the American Academy of Ophthalmology. Despite how common cataracts are, people often miss the early signs and symptoms of the disease or attribute them to another eye condition.

For example, if you are in the early stages of cataracts, you may feel like your glasses are always dirty or you need your prescription updated frequently. You might not know that something more serious is causing your symptoms and threatening to steal your vision.

Knowing how to identify the signs of cataracts can help you seek out medical help sooner. You will get the answers you need to make educated decisions about treatment. Read on as Laser Eye Center highlights some of the signs of cataract development.

Blurry or Cloudy Vision

Cataracts develop when the eye’s crystalline lens becomes cloudy, blocking light from entering the eye and focusing on the retina. Usually the first sign of cataracts is blurry, hazy, cloudy vision — similar to what you would experience if you looked through a fogged window or dirty glasses.

Changes in Color Vision

Cataracts can also cause the naturally clear lens to yellow, which changes the way you see certain colors. The visual effects of cataracts may reduce the intensity of colors or cause objects to take on an amber or sepia tint.

Poor Night Vision

As cataracts advance, they cause vision to darken or dim. If indoors, you might need to brighten your computer screen or use a reading light to enjoy a book. Often these visual changes are more noticeable at night, when there is less light to compensate. Dark or dim vision can make activities like driving at night very challenging.

Glare and Halos

Another sign of cataract development is the appearance of glare and halos. As light passes through the cataract-diseased lens, it is diffracted, which can cause glare and halos around sources of light. Glare and halos are often worse at night, particularly around streetlights and the headlights from oncoming cars.

Sensitivity to Light

Cataracts can make you very sensitive to light. You might find yourself squinting in sunlight or at the light emitted by your smartphone or computer.

Exceptional Cataract Care at Laser Eye Center

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it’s important to get your eyes checked as soon as you can. An eye exam can confirm whether cataracts are to blame for the changes in your vision. If the visual changes from cataracts interfere with your daily activities like driving or reading, it might be time to explore your treatment options.

Cataract surgery is safer and more precise than ever, thanks to Laser Eye Center’s world-class surgeons and technology. With a wide range of premium lenses, we can help you reclaim the visual clarity you enjoyed in your 30s.

To learn more about cataract surgery at Laser Eye Center, please contact one of our Southern California locations today.