The Intersection Between Dry Eye and COVID-19

Stay-at-home orders to slow the spread of COVID-19 mean that we are spending more time than ever using digital devices. Screen time has increased exponentially with the recent reliance on electronic learning, remote work and binge-watching Netflix. This increase in screen time has uncomfortable implications on one of the most sensitive areas of the body: our eyes. Laser Eye Center has seen an uptick in patients reporting dry eye symptoms. Read on to learn what we are doing to ease their discomfort.

Are You Overusing Eye Drops for Dry Eye?

Dry eye is a chronic and progressive disease.  In an effort to manage its symptoms, eye drops are traditionally recommended in order to achieve relief from dry, itchy or irritated eyes. But like any medicine, there are limits on the duration of its effectiveness as well as how much eye drops should be used. Over-the-counter as well as controlled eye drops usually have daily use recommendations and are not intended to be used regularly beyond a period of a few weeks. The only exception is if your doctor instructs you to use them on a daily basis. In fact, overusing eyedrops can actually do more harm than good over the…

How iLux Treatment for Dry Eye Disease Is Changing Lives & Eliminating Suffering

Dry eye is one of the most common diseases we see at Laser Eye Center, and something that we are constantly striving to better understand. In the U.S. alone, there are 30 million people suffering from dry eye.  Dry eye may affect quality of life and symptoms include dryness, tired eyes, redness, irritation, burning and stinging, and watery or itchy eyes. In severe cases, dry eye disease can interfere with everyday activities and impact many aspects of quality of life. It can affect reading and driving, and cause feelings of anxiety, stress and depression. However given the generalness of the symptoms, many patients suffering from dry eye do not realize…

Pterygium and the Autograft Technique

Living in Southern California, you are probably familiar with the damage that the sun can do to your skin. But did you know that the sun is also potentially harmful to your eyes? Evidence suggests that sun exposure can contribute to the formation of pterygia, or fleshy growths that develop on the eyeball. Pterygia are common in surfers, sunbathers and other people who enjoy spending time outdoors but may not wear adequate sun protection. Thanks to our sunny location, we see a lot of cases of pterygia at Laser Eye Center. Although in their early stages pterygia may not cause noticeable symptoms, they can grow slowly and eventually cause dry…

Real and Lasting Relief from Dry Eyes with iLux

More than 100 million people worldwide experience the uncomfortable, inconvenient symptoms of dry eye disease. Red, irritated or itchy eyes, blurry vision and the sensation that something is stuck in your eyes can interfere with your work, hobbies and time with family and friends. Always at the forefront of innovative technology, Laser Eye Center is pleased to offer real, lasting relief from dry eye disease, using the iLux system. Instead of simply treating the symptoms of dry eye disease, the revolutionary technology addresses the root cause of the problem, offering true freedom from dry eye related discomfort and inconvenience.

California DMV Vision Requirements

Did you know that the California Department of Motor Vehicles (CA DMV) requires applicants to meet certain visual requirements in order to pass their driver’s license test? Upon completing the driving portion of the test, the California DMV requires that you pass a standard eye test using a Snellen Eye Chart. The CA DMV vision requirements are as follows: Drivers must have visibility at 20/40 with both eyes combined (e.g. one eye visibility at 20/40 and the other eye visibility at 20/70). Anyone not meeting this vision standard is required to wear corrective lenses while driving (such as glasses or contact lenses). If you cannot pass the CA DMV vision…

California DMV Vision Requirements

Did you know that the California Department of Motor Vehicles (CA DMV) requires applicants to meet certain visual requirements in order to pass their driver’s license test? Upon completing the driving portion of the test, the California DMV requires that you pass a standard eye test using a Snellen Eye Chart. The CA DMV vision requirements are as follows: Drivers must have visibility at 20/40 with both eyes combined (e.g. one eye visibility at 20/40 and the other eye visibility at 20/70). Anyone not meeting this vision standard is required to wear corrective lenses while driving (such as glasses or contact lenses). If you cannot pass the CA DMV vision…

Consejos para mantener los ojos seguros en el lugar de trabajo

Según estadísticas aproximadamente 25,000 estadounidenses van a la sala de emergencia cada año debido a una lesión que ocurre en el lugar de trabajo. La mayoría de estas lesiones podrían prevenirse tomando ciertas precauciones. En esta entrada del blog, el equipo de visión de Laser Eye Center™ comparte formas en las que puede proteger su vista en el trabajo. Use gafas de seguridad Se recomienda a las personas que trabajan con maquinaria pesada o en entornos con peligros potenciales que usen protección adecuada para los ojos. Los tipos de protección ocular adecuada incluyen gafas de seguridad, cascos y protectores faciales. El uso de la protección para los ojos puede minimizar…

How to Prevent Pink Eye

Most people have heard of the eye condition conjunctivitis, more commonly known as “pink eye.” This often contagious eye condition comes in different forms and is most common among children, but proper eye care can help prevent it from occurring. Here, the vision experts at Laser Eye Center™ explain what pink eye is and offer tips on how to avoid it. Causes Of Pink Eye There are three main types of conjunctivitis: Viral conjunctivitis is highly contagious and is caused by the same virus that causes the common cold. The condition usually resolves itself within a few days without the need for medical treatment. The most common symptom of this…

Essential Tips for Dry Eye Syndrome

Dry eye syndrome is very common, with approximately 48 percent of adults in the U.S. regularly experiencing symptoms such as dry, scratchy irritation, and burning sensations in the eyes. Fortunately, most cases of dry eye can be cured. The vision experts at Laser Eye Center™ offer the following tips to help you relieve dry eye symptoms and keep your vision healthy. Use Artificial Tears Artificial tears can alleviate the dry, scratchy feeling that often accompanies dry eyes by bringing much-needed moisture to the eyes. There are many brands of artificial tears available without a prescription. Check with your eye doctor to see which eye drops are best for you based…